Monday, October 13, 2014

Real World Report

This article is about how they want baby George to have an ordinary life without people invading his privacy. The couple has raised concerns about the third in line to the British throne's privacy. It started when an incident happened in a park where Prince William was concerned that an individual was watching his sons everyday life daily routines. Kate and Prince William said that while the prince is young he should have an ordinary life. They have issued a strong warning to protect their one year old son after the concerns that he was being monitored. 

I think that they did that because they just want to protect their son just in case something might happen to him. I also think they have a right to tell the media that they would not want them invading their son's privacy. I think that every kid should have and ordinary life even if they are going to be the third in line to the British throne. Every one should have their own privacy and they should not be invaded. I belive that they were just trying to protect him. 

People should care about this because they are warning that they do not want their son's privacy invaded. They should also care about this because other people would not want their children's privacy invaded.