Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tiny Spherical Worlds

HELLO everyone, in GT we have another project which I think is pretty cool and I'm very excited to do. I'm not really sure what this project is called but we are making spherical and polar panorama. The point of a composite images is that it needs more than 1 picture to make one. Composite images are multiple pictures merged to make one. The reason 1 picture isn't enough is because it won't really make a composite images. It needs like maybe 10 photos to make a composite images. Thats the reason why a composite images can't me made with only 1 picture.

The difference between polar and spherical panorama is that spherical panos looks like a snow globe or a crystal ball. Where polar panos looks like a tiny world that could be hold in your hands. From the spherical and polar panos, I'm really liking how the polar panoramas look. I think it looks really cool that like trees, building, or any object pops out unlike the spherical. For spherical your trees, building, or any objects doesn't pop out but they are inside. I think when making them and you do the second to the last step which actually turning them into your tiny world or snow globe is my favorite part is because they really shock me sometimes. But they shock me in a good way like a surprise because you don't know whats gonna happen. When making spherical and polar panos they always turned out different from the other no matter what.

When making your "tiny world" or polar and spherical panos the last step is the step that makes everything look really convincing. The last step is using the cloning or stamp tool in photo shopped. Also a great shortcut that is very helpful in Photoshop is the keyboard letter S and that will give you the cloning or stamp tool. I believe that the stamping tool is what makes my polar and spherical worlds convincing  since it helps get rid of the line in the middle. Like for example in my spherical 1 (the second picture on top) it has power lines and the top part had a line through it. I ended up cloning part of a bush to make just one bush that goes over the line and also used part of the clouds to cut out the power line. In the end I think it looks pretty cool that with a little bit of cloning and stamping different parts you can make something really cool.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Hockney Style Joiners

Final photomontage
(Kyla Bautista, Shaday Thomas, and Denae Sacramed) 
Hey guys, so in GT we are doing photomontages as our first project for 2016. Im guessing this project is inspired from David Hockney's photomontages.  The way were doing it is different from David Hockney's photomontages and I'm gonna tell you why. Well one is that he is more well known for his photomontages than I am. Also he has more experience than me with photomontages. Another thing that is different from the photomontages than mine is that his one has been seen worldwide.

With photos their are always meanings or a message to them. Some photos can send a positive or a negative message. For me, I think messages that has sorta of a negative message is when people post stuff about their "amazing" life because its like your bragging that how rich they are. This might not seem to be a negative message like others but for me its somewhat like a negative message. With a positive message on their photos its how they effect people or whats the picture based on.

School photomontage
(Kyla Bautista) 
For the photomontage project we made 3 different ones. We did a practice one, school one where you would do one of your partner, and finally we did a final one where you would take 25 pictures of something meaningful in your life. So for the school I did Kyla and well she doesn't really look like this in real life. But I did sorta forgot a neck and shoulder so thats why she looks like that. Then my final is the on the very top with Kyla, Shaday, and Denae. This is something meaningful in my life because with my friends I feel like I'm myself. When I'm not with my friends I feel like I can't really be myself. Also because my friends are like something that I don't ever want to  let of. I believe that my final has a positive message because I think friendship is a positive thing. Just like in my last years visual poem, "some friends go but true friends stay," that I know that my friends will stay and not leave.