Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 Aspirations

Happy New Year to everyone. So new year and that means new goals for 2016, and I'm gonna be telling you guys what my different goals for 2016. I didn't really make that goals for 2016 like maybe 2-3 but that's it. My first goal is my most important one and its to be more proactive than procrastinating. I did a blog post about proactive and procrastination and from that I explained that I'm a procrastinator and I want to be more proactive this year. My second goal is too improve my grades for each quarter. I seem to be doing that last year for 1st and 2nd quarter but now I don't feel as if I can maintain my straight A's. Like for example in mid quarter for 1st quarter I got one B and that B was close to a C, and for 1st quarter the actual quarter I got straight A's. That means I improved that one B and I want to keep doing that for the rest of the new year. My third goal is to be more helpful to people because when I see someone who needs help I usually just leave them instead of actually helping which is bad. So I just wanna help more people when they need help instead of just living them helpless. These are all my goals/aspirations for 2016.

In my first paragraph I said that my most important goal is to be more proactive than procrastinate which is true but something that is also important is being is better sister to my younger brother. I'm not the best sister but I'm sorta getting there. Its my mission to be the best sister by the end of 2016. So lets go back to my other important goal which is to be more proactive than procrastinate. Most people know me to be a person to not do all their work on time and always seem to find a way to not do it. I really want to break out of that habit because its not very useful in school and at home. The reason I want to break out of this habit is because every time I tell myself to do something I ended up doing it for like a day and them completely forgetting about it the next day.

Since school started in January I've been doing pretty well on getting things turned in on time and getting pictures taken for our GT homework. I've been doing good this past week in school which I'm very proud of myself. They was I manage to be more proactive on school days is by reminding myself when I get out bus that I have homework to do. So when I get home from school I just have to do my homework so I know that I did it and won't forget about it. I have a pretty good schedule planned out and I forget to say early but planning things out is something very helpful for an unorganized person which is me. Also by being a better sister I'm gonna try to not be so mean and controlling and be more nice and caring. These are my goals and my way of ensuring that I will follow and continue my goals for 2016. 

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